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Pomodoro Technique App

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GTD and Time Management

Pomodoro ™ and Pomodoro Technique ® are registered trademarks of Francesco Cirillo. This app is not affiliated with Francesco Cirillo. Users have been focused on our app for 200 million hours, join. Stay focused on and immersed in your tasks with this web-based Pomodoro time. Organize and Plan with GTD methodology, and give the advantages of Pomodoro, including focused work, frequent breaks to refresh, less distractions, etc without having an extra workflow.

Track All Activities

Gather raw data on the effort expended and other metrics of interest. Track all the completed pomodoros, discarded pomodoros, log unplanned, urgency to inbox.

It's a cross-platform Pomodoro app that has an app available for almost all platforms including Linux, iOS, and Android. There are plenty of Pomodoro Apps available but these are one of the best, and, are easy and mostly free to use. I regularly use the technique while writing articles (like this), and it helps me a lot.

Learn and Measure Your Productivity

View the records of applying the Pomodoro Technique, and learn to measure yourself, observe how you work, and develop the value of continuity.

Try the TeamViz for Company (Beta): Windows, Mac OS X, Ubuntu 32bit, Ubuntu 64bit.


I'm a new user of the technique and have been using the windows app to track my time. super impressed with it! I wanted to thank you for the hard work you do. Keep it up.
I was looking for something like your app for a while – simple task management with focus indication. I have just installed desktop version and it looks nice.

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6 Steps to Start Pomodoro Timer

Pomodoro Technique App

Step 1: (optional) create a new named list, for example, 'Sprint 1. market research'. The 'list' here can also be a project or an epic in agile methodology.

Step 2: Add you tasks to current selected list. After input text, press 'ENTER' to confirm.

Step 3: The default estimation to a task is 1 pomodoro timer. You can change it by double clicking the number.

Step 4: Hover onto the task, you'll see some small tools. Hover your cursor onto the tool, there will be some tooltips. You can click the timer button to add it to today's list. This is useful before you start your work every morning. You can take a review existing tasks and add tasks by priority based on importance and level of urgency.

Step 5: After you marked a task as 'to do today', the tasks will appear on the lane of 'To Do Today', hover your cursor on the task there, ther will be a small 'play' button. Click the button there to start timer. So once you made a plan for the whole day, you can now focus only on today's tasks.

Step 6: Once the timer started, the main window will automatically minimize after 3 seconds. You can now focusing on your tasks and avoid interruption in the pomodoro timer.


Step 1: (optional) create a new named list, for example, 'Sprint 1. market research'. The 'list' here can also be a project or an epic in agile methodology.

Step 2: Add you tasks to current selected list. After input text, press 'ENTER' to confirm.

Step 3: The default estimation to a task is 1 pomodoro timer. You can change it by double clicking the number.

Step 4: Hover onto the task, you'll see some small tools. Hover your cursor onto the tool, there will be some tooltips. You can click the timer button to add it to today's list. This is useful before you start your work every morning. You can take a review existing tasks and add tasks by priority based on importance and level of urgency.

Step 5: After you marked a task as 'to do today', the tasks will appear on the lane of 'To Do Today', hover your cursor on the task there, ther will be a small 'play' button. Click the button there to start timer. So once you made a plan for the whole day, you can now focus only on today's tasks.

Step 6: Once the timer started, the main window will automatically minimize after 3 seconds. You can now focusing on your tasks and avoid interruption in the pomodoro timer.

Read More: Major Workflow of Tasks Management and Pomodoro Timer on Desktop and Mobile Devices

Read More: Offline Support, Synchronization Across Desktop and Mobile Devices, and Enhanced Security

Handle interruptions

No more mistakes due to lack of concentration.

Keykey 2 3 – typing tutors. No more wrong estimates, rework, stress and overtime.

Reduce the length and number of meetings

No more long, exhausting and useless meetings.

Reduce estimation errors

learn to simplify and organize tasks

No more wrong estimates on complex, undefined and uncertain tasks.

Improve motivation by improving the content of work

Pomodoro Technique App Chrome

learn to understand the effort a task will take, reduce the complexity of tasks that need doing, organize your time

No more lack of confidence, lack of responsibility and lack of trust between team members.

Transform time from being an enemy to being an ally in order to achieve your goals

take regular breaks, learn to observe yourself and your team and improve your work process

No more work under pressure.

No more tensions between team members.

No more fear of being accountable.

Meet deadlines without time pressure

learn to transform a complex goal into a series of simpler goals to be reached and hence increase your motivation, the precision of the estimates and the probability of final success

No more missed deadlines and costly delays.

Share with your team members the same point of view about what to do

No more doubts about what to do, who has to do what and when something will be done.

Create an effective team timetable to reach multiple goals, handle unplanned events, tasks, emergencies and change

No more bottlenecks and interruptions.

No more Xscope 4 0 – onscreen graphic measurement tools. Lutify me download. frictions between team members.

Reduce the complexity of your goals and the relative uncertainty of reaching them

by learning to transform deeply nested hierarchies of tasks into linear task lists: task lists without dangerous bottlenecks and interdependencies between tasks

Pomodoro Technique App Reddit

No more Smart shooter 3 3 32. complex, unmanageable and unreachable goals.

Pomodoro Technique App

Optimise the interaction between team members needed to complete tasks

no communication overflow

Pomodoro Technique App For Pc

No more Macsome spotify downloader 1 0 0 3. thousands of instant messages, emails and calls interrupting your work flow.

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